Monday, March 27, 2006

Reading these days...

I (finally) finished Broken Angels this past weekend and have now started the latest book I have by Jasper Fforde - The Big Over Easy : A Nursery Crime. So far, I'm really enjoying the new book - same silly kind of plot lines as the Thursday Next books but now about nursery rhymes!

As for Broken Angels - I did not like it as much as the previous storey in the Takeshi Kovacs series (Altered Carbon). Where Altered Carbon was an interesting combination of the "hard-nosed detective" book and a sci-fi storyline about being able to download yourself into other bodies, Broken Angels was about the same main character but primarily focused on hard-to-decipher plots around trying to claim an alien species artifact. A slow read...

Here's hoping that The Big Over Easy is a step up!

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